Tipo di corso
Laurea magistrale
Sede didattica
Tipo di accesso
Classe di corso
LM-49 Progettazione e gestione dei sistemi turistici
Presidente del Consiglio Aggregato
Prof. Alessandro Volpi
Pisa, Pavia e Lugano
Scienze Politiche
89% a 6 mesi dalla laurea

Master Degree in Planning and governance of tourism system in Mediterranean area (Second-Level degree) – Enrollment

Admission requirements:

Students willing to enroll to the Master Degree must be in possession of a Bachelor degree or a three-year university degree, or other educational qualification received abroad, acknowledged as suitable according to the laws in force.

Graduates coming from the following degree courses have the curricular requirements for direct admission to the Program:

  • L-15 (Scienze del turismo)
  • L-1 (Beni culturali)
  • L-11 (Lingue e Letterature Straniere)
  • L-12 (Mediazione linguistica)
  • L-33 (Scienze economiche)
  • L-16 (Scienze della Amministrazione e dell’organizzazione)
  • L-20 (Scienze della Comunicazione)
  • L-21 (Scienze della Pianificazione territoriale, urbanistica, paesaggistica e ambientale)
  • L-36 (Scienze Politiche e delle Relazioni Internazionali).


Graduates from other degree courses must have acquired at least the minimum (CFU) in  the following subjects:

Foreign languages L-LIN/04, L-LIN/07, L-LIN/12, L-LIN/14 10 CFU
History of art and performing arts studies L-ART/02, L-ART/04, L-ART/05, L-ART/06, L-ART/07, M-STO/02, M-STO/04 6 CFU
Business economics SECS-P/07, SECS-P/08, SECS-P/10 6 CFU
Economic studies SECS-P/01, SECS-P/06, SECS-P/12, SECS-S/03, SECS-S/05 6 CFU
Legal and social studies IUS/01, IUS/09, IUS/10, IUS/14, IUS/21 6 CFU
Sociological studies SPS/04, SPS/07, SPS/08, SPS/10, MDEA/01 6 CFU


In addition to the curricular requirements, students are admitted if they have obtained a University degree score higher than 90/110. In case of a lower degree score, personal preparation will be verified through an interview and/or test based on general contents connected to the Tourism Degree Program. Work experience and educational activities listed in the candidate’s curriculum vitae may also be taken into consideration when assessing the personal preparation of the candidate.

Enrollment application is subject to verification of the curricular requirements and on the portal http://ammissionelm.adm.unipi.it, it is possible to check the application status and the test results in real time.

If the result is positive, the student is enrolled in the Master Degree and the enrollment date will coincide with the day of the presentation of the documentation; if there are education debits, the student is enrolled in the “individual access courses” and will be allowed to take the necessary exams to acquire the needed requirements.