Tipo di corso
Laurea magistrale
Sede didattica
Tipo di accesso
Classe di corso
LM-49 Progettazione e gestione dei sistemi turistici
Presidente del Consiglio Aggregato
Prof. Alessandro Volpi
Pisa, Pavia e Lugano
Scienze Politiche
89% a 6 mesi dalla laurea

Master Degree in Planning and governance of tourism system in Mediterranean area (Second-Level degree)


The Course objective is to supply skills that allow future graduates to face, manage and understand the continuing changes int the complex and multiform tourism sector and to be competitive at both a national and an international level, also through the study of the English language, applied specifically to the economic, business and legal areas, and through internships at important tourism companies, which offer concrete placement possibilities.

Professional Opportunities

The Master Degree promotes high-quality employability in the tourism sector and offers the tools and skills necessary to carry out professional activities in the following roles:

Travel Planner and Tour Manager

Communication and Marketing Specialist

Event Planner

Hospitality Manager

Holiday counsellor

Location Manager

Revenue Manager

Asset Manager

Event Manager

Personal shopper

Guest relations Manager

Guest services Manager

Room Division Manager

Destination Manager

Human Resources (HR) Manager in the hospitality industry

Tourism Development Consultant

Business Development Manager